What is a "photo manipulation"? Well simply it is taking several things from several stock resources like brushes or photos, and putting them together...I will use this as an example...it's a photomanip I did.
http://robbinlara.deviantart.com/art/Anthem-Of-The-Underdog-100688398 *credits are all below the picture and lyrics.
The rules are simple:
1-make a photomanipulation that is themed for the New Year (imagine a fresh start for a bright future ahead.) No other themes will be accepted.
2-Photomanipulations are the only allowed type of artwork to be submitted. Anything that is not a photomanipulation will be politely disqualified. You may enter two works and we will have a voting elimination to decide the winner. Once you have entered your total allowed two works, you cannot change your mind or switch them out, so be certain you submit only your best effort!
3-artwork must be yours (in other words do not steal another persons work and claim it as your own) and no entry will be accepted unless it has credits to stock resources on the image and/or is watermarked for your own protection.
Great horse stock resources can be found on DeviantArt.Com by these people (you don't have to use their stock, these are just some of my favorite resources to use)
and there is sooo much more...just enter horse stock in the search bar and remember to read each artist's stock rules and follow them accordingly.
Last edited by Admin on Sun Jan 04, 2009 2:34 pm; edited 4 times in total